Buy off-site BNG units in Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire

Unit availability

We can help you meet your BNG requirements wherever you are in the country.

Certain habitat units can be traded for offsite units of the same broad habitat type, or a higher distinctiveness habitat. If you can’t see the unit type you are looking for, we might still be able to help you meet your BNG requirements using some of our higher distinctiveness unit types. Get in touch with us to find out.

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Towersey solar farm

National BNG Register Ref: BGS-141024001

Local Planning Authority (LPA): South Oxfordshire District Council

Habitat type availability: High distinctiveness woodland, medium distinctiveness grassland, scrub, rural trees, and hedgerow habitat units.

National Character Area (NCA): Upper Thames Clay Vales

Neighbouring LPAs: Oxford City, Cherwell, Vale of the White Horse, West Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Reading, and Wokingham.

Neighbouring NCAs: Midvale Ridge, Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire Claylands, Chilterns, Cotswolds, Berkshire and Marlborough Downs, and Avon Vales.

Pricing: Get in touch with us using the button below.


National BNG Register Ref: BGS-150424001

Local Planning Authority (LPA): Buckinghamshire

Habitat type availability: High distinctiveness grassland, medium distinctiveness grassland and scrub habitat units.

National Character Area (NCA): Upper Thames Clay Vales, Midvale Range

Neighbouring LPAs: South Oxfordshire, West Northamptonshire, Milton Keynes, Central Bedfordshire, Dacorum, Three Rivers, Hillingdon, Slough, Windsor and Maidenhead, Reading.

NCAs: Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire Claylands, Chilterns, Cotswolds, Berkshire and Marlborough Downs, and Avon Vales.

Pricing: Get in touch with us using the button below.

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under development

Local Planning Authority (LPA): Vale of the White Horse District Council

Habitat type availability: High distinctiveness grassland, and medium distinctiveness grassland and woodland habitats.

National Character Area (NCA): Berkshire and Marlborough Downs

Neighbouring LPAs: Oxford City, Cherwell, South Oxfordshire, West Berkshire, Swindon, Cotswolds, and Wiltshire.

Neighbouring NCAs: Salisbury Plain and West Wiltshire Downs, Hampshire Downs, Thames Basin Heaths, Upper Thames Clay Vales, Avon Vales, and Chilterns.

Pricing: Get in touch with us using the button below.


Local Planning Authority (LPA): West Oxfordshire District Council

Habitat type availability: High distinctiveness grassland, pond, hedgerow and woodland habitats, and medium distinctiveness grassland, woodland, scrub and hedgerow habitats.

National Character Area (NCA): Cotswolds

Neighbouring LPAs: Cherwell, Vale of the White Horse, Cotswold, and Stratford-on-Avon.

Neighbouring NCAs: Upper Thames Clay Vales, Avon Vales, Bristol, Avon Valleys and Ridges, Severn and Avon Vales, Mendip Hills, Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire Claylands, Yardley-Whittlewood Ridge, Northamptonshire Uplands, and Dunsmore and Feldon.

Pricing: Get in touch with us using the button below.

under development

Local Planning Authority (LPA): West Oxfordshire District Council

Habitat type availability: Medium distinctiveness grassland and rural tree habitat units.

National Character Area (NCA): Cotswolds

Neighbouring LPAs: Cherwell, Vale of the White Horse, Cotswold, and Stratford-on-Avon.

Neighbouring NCAs: Upper Thames Clay Vales, Avon Vales, Bristol, Avon Valleys and Ridges, Severn and Avon Vales, Mendip Hills, Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire Claylands, Yardley-Whittlewood Ridge, Northamptonshire Uplands, and Dunsmore and Feldon.

Pricing: Get in touch with us using the button below.


Local Planning Authority (LPA): Cherwell District Council

Habitat type availability: Very high distinctiveness hedgerow, high distinctiveness woodland and lake, and medium distinctiveness grassland, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow habitat units.

National Character Area (NCA): Cotswolds

Neighbouring LPAs: Oxford City, South Oxfordshire, West Oxfordshire,, West Northamptonshire, Buckinghamshire, and Stratford-on-Avon.

Neighbouring NCAs: Upper Thames Clay Vales, Avon Vales, Bristol, Avon Valleys and Ridges, Severn and Avon Vales, Mendip Hills, Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire Claylands, Yardley-Whittlewood Ridge, Northamptonshire Uplands, and Dunsmore and Feldon.

Pricing: Get in touch with us using the button below.