What we do
The Trust for Oxfordshire's Environment (TOE) has three core aims:
to protect sites of environmental importance
to create biodiverse habitats where nature can thrive
to connect people to their environment.
We have a proven track record of delivering quality environmental projects in the county since 2011. Over that time we have built a reputation for integrity with the individuals, communities and organisations that we work with. We are deeply rooted here; everything we do is based on trust.
We are committed to finding innovative ways to help tackle the ecological emergency in Oxfordshire. We were one of the first in the UK to deliver biodiversity net gain units in 2018, and we have already delivered units across more than 100 hectares of countryside.
We are not-for-profit: the money we make is ploughed directly back into the environmental projects that we fund. Because we are driven by results, not profit, we can deliver high-quality projects which are value for money.
Our purpose
TOE is both a grant seeking and a grant making organisation, working with a purpose:
to halt the decline in nature and help restore its richness.
From big NGOs to small community groups, working closely with other environmental organisations is an important part of TOE’s role. By working together, we can support some of the most effective and important projects throughout the county.
We can only do our job thanks to financial support from a range of funders, and more help is needed. Currently, our main backers include: Grundon Waste Management Ltd, Network Rail, Local Authorities, and individual benefactors
It’s not easy to give funding away effectively, but it's what we do well. TOE’s robust processes and committed volunteers ensure that every penny spent makes a real and lasting difference. If you value this work, please consider making a contribution.